Running Vault on Podman
This post explains how to run a local Vault deployment on Podman for non-production use. I typically use this setup for my lab environments.
This setup was tested with:
- Podman v4.7.2
- Podman-compose v1.0.6
- Vault v1.15.2
Install the vault client, you can get the binary for your O.S here.
curl -L -o /tmp/ unzip /tmp/ && rm -f /tmp/ sudo mv vault /usr/local/bin/
Generate folder for storing the configs, data, and certs.
mkdir -p ${HOME}/vault-server/data/{certs,storage}
Generate self-signed cert.
Make sure to edit certificate details to match your environment.
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout ${HOME}/vault-server/data/certs/private.key -out ${HOME}/vault-server/data/certs/public.crt -subj "/C=ES/ST=Valencia/L=Valencia/O=Linuxera/OU=Blog/" -addext "subjectAltName =,IP:"
Configure privileges.
sudo chmod 777 ${HOME}/vault-server/data/storage sudo chmod 744 ${HOME}/vault-server/data/certs/{private.key,public.crt}
At this point you can go for Vault in-memory or for Vault in-disk depending on your data persistency preference.
Vault storage in-memory
Generate Vault server config.
cat <<EOF > ${HOME}/vault-server/data/in-memory-config.hcl ui = true default_lease_ttl = "168h" max_lease_ttl = "720h" api_addr = "" disable_mlock = true storage "inmem" {} listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = "0" tls_cert_file = "/data/certs/public.crt" tls_key_file = "/data/certs/private.key" } EOF
Generate podman-compose config.
cat <<EOF > ${HOME}/vault-server/vault-compose-in-memory.yaml version: '3.6' services: vault: image: container_name: vault restart: on-failure:10 ports: - "8201:8201" environment: VAULT_ADDR: '' cap_add: - IPC_LOCK volumes: - $HOME/vault-server/data:/data:rw,Z healthcheck: retries: 5 command: server -config /data/in-memory-config.hcl EOF
Run. Once the server is up you can continue reading the section Initialize Vault Server.
The secrets stored in this Vault instance will be lost once the server is stopped.
podman-compose -f $HOME/vault-server/vault-compose-in-memory.yaml up -d
podman-compose -f $HOME/vault-server/vault-compose-in-memory.yaml down
Vault storage in-disk
Generate Vault server config.
cat <<EOF > ${HOME}/vault-server/data/persistent-config.hcl ui = true default_lease_ttl = "168h" max_lease_ttl = "720h" api_addr = "" disable_mlock = true storage "file" { path = "/data/storage" } listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = "0" tls_cert_file = "/data/certs/public.crt" tls_key_file = "/data/certs/private.key" } EOF
Generate podman-compose config.
cat <<EOF > ${HOME}/vault-server/vault-compose-file-storage.yaml version: '3.6' services: vault: image: container_name: vault restart: on-failure:10 ports: - "8201:8201" environment: VAULT_ADDR: '' cap_add: - IPC_LOCK volumes: - $HOME/vault-server/data:/data:rw,Z healthcheck: retries: 5 command: server -config /data/persistent-config.hcl EOF
Run. Once the server is up you can continue reading the section Initialize Vault Server.
podman-compose -f $HOME/vault-server/vault-compose-file-storage.yaml up -d
podman-compose -f $HOME/vault-server/vault-compose-file-storage.yaml down
Initialize Vault Server
Initialize the Vault.
You can export the
env var with its value set totrue
to ignore self-signed certs.export VAULT_ADDR='' vault operator init | grep -E "Unseal Key|Initial Root" > $HOME/vault-server/init-keys.txt
Unseal the Vault and login.
UNSEAL_KEY1=$(grep "Key 1" $HOME/vault-server/init-keys.txt | awk -F ": " '{print $2}') UNSEAL_KEY2=$(grep "Key 2" $HOME/vault-server/init-keys.txt | awk -F ": " '{print $2}') UNSEAL_KEY3=$(grep "Key 3" $HOME/vault-server/init-keys.txt | awk -F ": " '{print $2}') VAULT_TOKEN=$(grep "Root Token" $HOME/vault-server/init-keys.txt | awk -F ": " '{print $2}') vault operator unseal $UNSEAL_KEY1 vault operator unseal $UNSEAL_KEY2 vault operator unseal $UNSEAL_KEY3 vault login $VAULT_TOKEN
Enable the kv secrets engine v2.
vault secrets enable -version=2 kv
Configure the ACL for our user.
cat <<EOF > $HOME/vault-server/team1.hcl path "kv/data/team1/*" { capabilities = ["create", "update", "read", "delete", "list"] } EOF vault policy write team1-policy $HOME/vault-server/team1.hcl
Enable userpass auth and add a user.
vault auth enable userpass vault write auth/userpass/users/mario password=str0ngp4ss policies=team1-policy
Login with the user.
vault login -method=userpass username=mario password=str0ngp4ss
Put a key/value into the Vault.
vault kv put -mount=kv team1/mysecret foo=a bar=b
Get a key/value from the Vault.
vault kv get -mount=kv team1/mysecret
Access the WebUI by pointing your browser to the IP where podman is exposing port 8201. For example